Unconscious: Feeling a little numbed out...Going through the motions and seeing oneself doing so. Telling yourself what needs to change but not having the will enough to change it. Not even caring enough to blame or take responsibility. Letting life rule you instead of you ruling your life.
have a knowing that your reality is revealed through your thoughts,
feelings and actions. You understand that you not only have the ability
to co-create your experience, but the Divine right to access all that is
good within this experience.
In doing so, you also have the heart to support the world in its change."]
I opened Facebook this morning, and found these words on the web site of one of my Spiritual Mentors, who now lives and works in Charleston, South Carolina. I first met Simmi many years ago when she was just developing her business, "Believe". I saw her billboards around town and found them mezmirizing. Then, I saw an article about her in "Skirt" magazine, a free magazine I found in an internet cafe in Lexington, South Carolina. I took a breath workshop with her, and was compelled by her sensitivity, her calm and positive nature; her intuition, her drive and motivation. She has been a great help to me in sorting through the "muck" in my head that I get stuck in from time-to-time. I trust and respect her a great deal. She is also one of the great "movers and shakers" in my life who inspire me to be "the best I can be".
When I was seventeen years old, I sat in the Burger King in Waltham, Massachusetts with my two best friends at the time: Patty and Kathy. We were talking about life, and I found myself declaring then and there that, "I will try anything in life at least once." I have sincerely tried to do just that ever since. There have been many bumps in the road along the way, but I have sought help from a myriad of mentors and programs to help me figure them out and move forward. Then, another day twenty years later, I realized that all decisions in Life boil down to two: do I want to be happy or miserable. I chose "Happy" in that moment, and have tried to sort through all the decisions that will get me there. I will always need help sorting through the cobwebs of my memories and the mud that holds me down. But I will stand up again and again, because I must.
I am like the moss in these pictures. If you look down on me from above, I stand out from the frey, but I blend in. Then, if you look at me from the side, I resemble a completely different plant. I am a shrub that provides a boundry from the outside world to the home it sits in front of. I am beautiful, bountiful, strong and dense, yet flexible. I can put roots down anywhere and live successfully, whether I am in the dirt or on an old board. I am happy to be exactly who and what I am. This statement feels really good to say out loud and really feel it is true. I haven't felt it is true for some time now. I am happy to be moving forward once more.
Such clarity is inspirational.