I am so grateful for our little furry children. They make us smile and they make us laugh. They melt our hearts with their antics, and soothe us with their unconditional love and snuggling. They are our greatest teachers of Unconditional Love. No matter what we do to them, they always look at us adoringly. They can't wait to stick their tongues in our noses and mouths, and lap our faces all over with unbridled joy. They sleep when they're tired and eat when they're hungry. They jump excitedly when they hear the words "treat" or "out", and drag us down the street sniffing in earnest in search of the next adventure.
Let's try just for today to be like our dawgs. Let's enjoy our turkey with all the fixin's without guilt or remorse, and jump for joy when the pies come out without looking back. Let's just enjoy our day to remember all the Blessings we have received, and then take a lovely nap while football drones on in the background.
P.S. I just had to share some of my favorite Thanksgiving treats: first is my mother's sausage stuffing. Next, are two cream pies I made from scratch for the first time ever: chocolate and pumpkin. Lastly, I encourage you all to add leftover sweetened whipped cream to your turkey day morning coffee. Yum.
My ultimate blessing is this house on the Sakonnet River. What a beautiful day to celebrate all my blessings with our loving children and in-laws.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
happy thanksgiving! now, how about that chocolate pie recipe?