Sunday, August 5, 2012


Happiness is a perfect bloom.
Happiness is a great cup of coffee.
Happiness is a warm dog on my lap.

Happiness is the love of my husband, children, family and good friends.

Sunrise at Lake Murray.
Sunset over the Sakonnet
Happiness is a beautiful day.
Happiness is the sweet sound of birdsong.

Happiness is a cloudless sky, except at sunset.
Happiness is a full moon shining down and lighting the world.

Happiness is feeling good about myself when I look into my own eyes.
Happiness is feeling accomplished and successful.

Happiness is the sound of laughter.
Happiness is the feel and smell of a baby's silky-soft skin.
Happiness is a big, warm hug.

Happiness is hearing waves lap on the shore and rippling over rocks.
Happiness is the warm feeling of sun on my skin.

Happiness is a lovely afternoon nap.
Happiness is discovering something new.
Happiness is rediscovering an old kinship.

Happiness is a song well sung or played.
Happiness is working or playing hard and a good hot shower after.
Happiness is being naked outside without shame.
Happiness is a delicious meal.

Happiness can be anything you want.
Happiness just requires a shift in perception; a change of thought.
Happiness is...

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