Knotted Beauty |
When I confided in my friend and spiritual mentor,
Simran Singh, that I felt dreamless, she told me to "Consider another perspective... Maybe you are not dreamless ... just in
the open space of possibility. Let yourself be in the space and watch
for the conversations from the Universe; connect your dots and your
dream will rise up within you... YOU are the dream." I am the dream? I don't quite understand that statement yet, but I do understand "the open space of possibility". I will rest there and see what comes up. In order to rest there, however, I need to do the work of resting: "sitting still in meditation and holding my questions sacredly" while I await answers.
I do believe the Universe guides and speaks to us. I have lived this belief and had it proven to me time and time again. I have gotten stuck lately in the world of "reality", according to many people around me in my life who do not believe as I do in the unseen Guides who help us/Me. I believe in God, and I believe in Angels. I believe in the Unseen. But, I also believe in the power of the Mind. How we choose to perceive ourselves, the world, and us in the world is foremost to how the quality of our lives unfolds. Most recently, I have been consumed with financial worry for the future. I am reminding myself, once again, that in the past I have been taken care of. I did not "have a pot to piss in", but I was given everything I needed in the exact moment I needed it because I believed this was true. I have just forgotten this Truth, and am working to remind myself of it once again.Matthew 6:26, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in
barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more
valuable than they?"
Oxalis | |
Oxalis (I think) |
My body feels stuck, and so my mind follows suit and my spirit remains clouded. I must stretch to work out the kinks of my locked joints and knotted muscles; open those spaces and make room for clarity and a body free of aches and pains. In so doing, my mind will open up and my heart will follow suit (or lead, however that works). When my heart opens up, my spirit flies free. When my spirit flies, the answers come and I am open enough to receive and accept them. I open now by breathing in my own voice with Love, Acceptance and all the possibility the Universe has in store for me. Thank you.
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